I Know This Is the Working World, But I Don’t Think I Belong In This One

Molly Ringwald as Claire Standish in The Breakfast Club has been a constant source of wisdom in a post-high school world. Her most saliently transmutable statement, “I know this is detention, but I don’t think I belong in here,” has, as an adult, become “I know this is the working world, but I don’t think I belong in this one.”

You see, when you step into the office world for the first time, you imagine yourself to be a proper moneymaking whore, the kind who gets deluxe treatment in addition to an adequate paycheck. But instead, you find yourself disregarded, under appreciated and expected to do the same shit as the other basics in the building. It’s a horrifying initiation process, making you fully understand Claire’s complete disbelief at finding herself in detention with a gaggle of missing links.