The Fool at Work Who Tries To Make April 1st A Thing When Every Day at the Workplace is a Joke

What’s worse than an enthusiastic co-worker? An enthusiastic co-worker who tries to make April Fool’s Day a thing. Someone who wants to bring a little “jocularity” and “light-heartedness” to the workplace. This usually means would-be elaborate pranks involving the replacement of your soy milk with regular milk or the adjustment of your chair from a high point to a low point.

And, speaking of low points, the office joker also loves to use April Fool’s as an excuse to avoid conventional sexual harassment mores. You know, like sure it’s okay to honk a woman’s breast if you have a clown nose on–you’re a clown today, it’s allowed. But if you’re the type of person who feels that laughter and smiling is a natural impossibility in a cubicle setting, you may want to call out sick today.