Workplace, Women & Feelings

There is perhaps no worse place to exhibit feelings or emotions of any kind than in the workplace. Not only is it a sign of weakness on your part, but it puts everyone else in the uncomfortable position of having to pretend to give a shit about your “plight.” This is not usually a concern for men as 1) they don’t have emotions and 2) the ratio of men to women in an office setting is so scant that most workplaces should just be called henhouses. But that’s a separate topic altogether…

For the few men who do work in cubicles and not dicking around as artists or service industry workers, women must suppress their predilection toward becoming easily verklempt, lest they be viewed as caricatures of the gender. The last thing any female office worker wants to be seen as is “emotional.” It’s bad for business, and it’s bad for getting a raise. Hence, the road paved toward becoming a full-fledged automaton is always more seamless as a woman in the corporate world.