Working for Money To Pay For Things

The primary motivator for working, as you’ll find when you ask just about anybody, is not passion. No, passion is a quaint notion reserved for little children when the inquiry is made about what they’d like to be when they grow up. The galvanizing force post-collegiately is always money. But what do you really need the excess of dough for other that a joint to lay your head down?

The material things, undoubtedly. For some reason, because of early indoctrination, we’re taught to want things we don’t need. Things that are intended to make us believe we’re fulfilled–that we’re progressing along nicely in the world with the expensive goods to prove it. However, one of the most maligned presidents before D. Trump, Jimmy Carter, said it best when he declared during his Crisis of Confidence speech, “But we’ve discovered that owning things and consuming things does not satisfy our longing for meaning. We’ve learned that piling up material goods cannot fill the emptiness of lives which have no confidence or purpose.”

Nonetheless, the worker bees of Midtown remain convinced that piling up the material is the only and best way toward satisfaction–never wondering at why they never truly seem to get it.