Workers’ Comp

The need for recompense geared toward physical remedies has long been in effect in the workplace. In fact, ever since the 1850s, when the intensity and dolorousness of manual labor put an accent on just how lax employers were in their accommodations and amenities, the employee’s rage against the literal and metaphorical machine has been a source of contention between the oppressor and those he oppresses specifically as a result of workers’ compensation (changed from the now not so politically correct “workmen’s comp”).

Unfortunately for office workers, however, as work has evolved over time to become less physical, there has been diminished opportunity to become “harmed” in a way that gets you paid without actually having to go in to the mind deathtrap that is your office building. While, sure, one could argue that conditions have only improved for the glorified slave in not having to worry so much about being physically damaged on the job, it’s somewhat calamitous that there’s essentially no opportunity to get out of the invisible chains that bind for a moment at least based on the mental spoilage it’s inflicting. Alas, if the employer can’t see the illness riddled all over your body in the form of tendonitis from too much online shopping, you ain’t gettin’ out of shit.