Which Mask Should I Wear Today?

We all have a mask we choose to wear at any given moment. The mask you put on for your friends, your parents, your significant other du jour, etc. Whether the mask resembles something happy, aloof, neutral or sour all depends on the situation you’re in. But the most irksome mask we wear is the one at work, where the features of one’s visage must essentially mimic a plucked turkey with a hand up its ass in order to achieve the look that corporate wants you to have.

Patrick Bateman: king of masks
Patrick Bateman: king of masks

The more often you put the mask on, the less unnatural it feels–and that’s quite frightening. Soon, it gets harder for you to slip in and out of it than before, and the mask can have a tendency to obscure who you once thought you were. It becomes a second skin, like Patrick Bateman’s herb-mint facial mask. And the second skin is liable to overtake that first natural layer in no time.