Upsetting the Work Carpool

Because people will do anything to come to New York, even if it means only eight hours a day mostly spent in a cubicle, they will travel from the far reaches of the tri-state area to get here. Some take public transportation, while others, well, others brave the freeways, highways and byways in carpool form.

The worst part about the work carpool isn’t that you have to spend more time with people who you already have nothing in common with other than your workplace, so much as that you have to put on your daily mask earlier than usual and keep it on even after you’ve clocked out for the car ride.

Thus, if you one day find yourself at your wit’s end, unable to sustain the mask of pleasantry long enough to get through the car ride, you could very well find yourself axed with the similar chastisement of Regina George to her own at-the-mercy-of-her-car minions.