Taking “Team Photos”

In the ongoing and ceaseless effort that most workplaces make to convince their employees that they’re friends and that they would totally hang out together if they weren’t trapped in the same gulag all the time, there are often circumstances that create the opportunity for a “team photo.”

Whether or not this photo stems from being taken at a “group event” like bowling or drinking together at someplace awful like Beer Authority, it will come to get you at some point. Sometimes it even happens while you’re at work, and your supervisor wants to snap a picture of everyone on the “team” to display on his or her desk like some sort of creep who doesn’t have a real family. And when you’re standing there huddled in the crowd, waiting for the picture to be taken with that dead smile plastered on your face and that “goofy” pose held in place, you’ll suddenly realize (it may be the last realization you ever have) that you haven’t got a thought in your head anymore. You’ve transcended into corporate prop status.