Pushed & Pulled In All Directions, Consequently Surrendering to Doing Nothing

For the free spirit, the scatterbrained, the person with their head in the clouds, the task of taking on a job that pays money is an exceedingly difficult venture. Not just because it really cuts into a large chunk of one’s day, but also because it makes it all the more impossible to “manage time”–as though time is viewed from the perspective of a man who sees any “vocal” woman as a bitch.

The overwhelmingness of being told a barrage of things that need to be completed by a certain deadline really just makes the dreamer employee want to crawl into a corner and curl up until it all passes. The staggering nature of lists filled with inanities only detracts from all that the wistful office worker could be doing, resulting, ultimately, in an inability to do much of anything other than exist.