If You Call Out Sick to Go To the Beach, Wear a Stylish Tarp for Your Instagram

When summer rolls around, one’s bound to dip ever so slightly into more than just a pool, but also her limited reserve of sick days. The problem, however, in indulging in this pittance of a reward for being weak and in presumed ill health is that one always tends to want to use it during the most obvious of times. Specifically, when it’s as Ferris Bueller said and, “How can I possibly be expected to go to school work on a day like this?”

Golden sunshine and the call of the beach, as non-clean as it may be with its random smattering of plastic bags occasionally smacking against your skin, beckons too strongly. Unfortunately, the other thing that beckons too strongly is the desire to put your life on blast on Instagram. It’s just part of the newly implemented DNA of congenital vanity and egoism in the twenty-first century. Thus, if you really must instill jealousy in the hearts of others at work, put a stylish tarp on yourself so that the boss can never prove you used your sick day for enjoyment.