I Ain’t Tryna Go to Duane Reade Today

Even though Duane Reade has locations throughout all of Manhattan, it seems as though the Midtown locations are far more pervasive. Something about the frequency with which they appear on every corner from 34th to Times Square always manages to reel you in, even when you don’t really need anything (except, of course, your daily dose of Diet Coke for the bargain price of $2.43).

But what I’ve come to find is that Duane Reade is your best bet for a cheap distraction during a break–unless you go hog wild and decide to buy vitamins, skin care products and various weight loss supplements you know aren’t going to work. Yes, it’s rather sad that this hyper-local drugstore is one’s best source of entertainment in Midtown, but it’s true. The only other thing going on is the M&M’s Store or the Ferris wheel at Toys ‘R’ Us, both of which involve sifting through the endless Midwestern and foreign riffraff to get to.

So though you may solemnly try to swear to yourself, “I ain’t tryna go to Duane Reade today,” you know in what’s left of your heart (as a result of working in Midtown too long, most people’s hearts tend to wane into oblivion) that this is going to be where you end up at some point during your drudgery-filled day.